What is Medicare Part C?
Medicare Part C is also known as Medicare Advantage plans. These comprehensive plans are offered through private health insurance companies and contracted and approved by Medicare.

What is included in Medicare Part C?
Medicare Advantage plans provide the same coverage as Original Medicare (Part A and B) while also offering extra perks and benefits such as dental, vision, hearing, tele health services, fitness benefits, and more. Some Medicare Advantage plans also provide extra benefits such as an over-the-counter allowance, Part B Premium Reimbursement, Monthly grocery card, flex card, or transportation. If the plan includes prescription drug coverage, they are referred to as MAPD plans or Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug plans.
Contact MK to find the appropriate Medicare Advantage plan for you!

Eligibility for Medicare Part C
In order to be eligible for Medicare Part C you must be enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B and be a resident of your chosen Advantage plan’s service area.
Call MK for Eligibility for local Medicare Advantage options.
Medicare Part C Enrollment Period
You must be enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B in order to enroll in a Medicare Advantage Plan.
You may switch from Traditional Medicare to a Medicare Advantage plan during the Annual Enrollment Period between October 15 and December 7 each year. You can also switch Medicare Advantage plans during this time or during the Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period from January 1 to March 31.
Need help finding and enrolling in your ideal Medicare Advantage Plan? Call MK.
Penalty for Medicare Part C
Medicare Part C does not have a late enrollment penalty. You can switch over to a Medicare Advantage plan during
enrollment periods. Contact MK with questions or to request more information.

Cost of Medicare Part C
Medicare Advantage plan costs vary based on the plan you select, and the benefits included. No matter which Medicare Advantage plan you choose you will continue to pay your Part B premium. Medicare Advantage services may require a copay, co-insurance, and, in some rare occasions, deductibles.
How to Enroll in Medicare Part C
Contact MK to find and enroll in the right Medicare Advantage plan for you!
Medicare Advantage plans are tailored to fit your lifestyle and needs. Don’t choose a Medicare Advantage plan just because it works for someone else. Discover all your options first. Give MK a call.
Secure your peace of mind in selecting Medicare with a free consultation.
MK will help you navigate the options, offering personalized insights and a reassuring hand to guide you through the process.